Monday, December 27, 2010

January - 2011

Hi There!
I hope every one had a pleasant and Happy Holiday.  Now, it is time to think about all those wonderful memories you captured on your cameras.  Whether your camera is still using film or you have upgraded
to a digital camera, this is the place that can help you safely preserve those photos for years to come.

Isn't it great to sit around with family and look back on yesteryear?  The old photo albums filled with
pictures after pictures.  You definitely needed someone there to tell the story behind the photo.

Today, scrapbooking has come a long way.  Now we decorate each page with such precise detail
called embellishments.  We now journal the story that portrays the pictures.  The stories are told in such
a way you feel like you were there. Actually, to journal is the most important part of scrapbooking.
Unfortunately, the day will come when we won't be there to tell how Aunt Mary fell in the snow and
sprained her ankle or why Uncle Fred was wearing the lampshade on his head at his birthday party.

If I have got you thinking about then good, expand your thoughts more in the future.  What about your
grand kids or great-grand kids?  What if ~ they didn't get to know what a great, fun loving, person you
were?  Won't it be great for them to have that experience through your albums?

At Jefferson Scrappers, that is exactly what we do.  We meet once a month to safely preserve our
memories of yesteryear for future generations.  If you would like to have more information email me at

Now that the introduction is over.  This blog will be used to show techniques and workshop projects
we have completed during the month's crop.  The group project this year will be to publish a Jefferson Scrappers Cookbook.  We have potluck meals for our crops.  So, I want to put together a cookbook
of our recipes.

The January Crop will be on the 15th.  Let me know if you want to come.
I hope you will join us

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